How to Adjust Labor Units

Underneath a product’s image and name, you will see two buttons displayed -- Add to List and Product Number. The Add to List button will add the product to your personal list, while the Product Number button shows the specific product number for that item and will take you to the product page.

Most of the information on this product page is set by your manufacturer, such as product size, specifications and labor units. You can adjust labor units from their default value, in case an add-on or accessory requires more or less labor to install onto a vehicle in addition to the labor rates listed.

When you first go to this page, the field will already include the default value set by your manufacturer. Fill in with the appropriate labor units for installing the specific part on a customer’s vehicle and click the Update button to refresh the price of the add-on or accessory. Updates to the labor unit will be based on the dealer labor unit rate, which is controlled by the dealer admin.

Watch our step-by-step video below: